So we’ve been getting a lot of requests about the ideal rooms for our tenants. Some landlords allow their rooms to be modified, and some are eenie bit more more strict about it. Sometimes the issue can be whether the room should be modified at landlords’ cost or tenants’ cost, however regardless of what the agreement between the landlord and tenant states, we will help you by giving some good ideas to make your room more ideal and beautiful.
so here are some pictures to trigger your imagination, help with your ideas and pull you into the world of the heavenly rooms you could create for yourselves.
So let’s start with something simple….
In case you want your room to be a bit more complete there is this….
In case you like class….
If you are a student or have children…
If you lean more on an artsy side, this one is for you….
If you like your room to be your home at the same time, there’s this…
Or in case you are looking for something a bit more luxurious…
Or maybe you prefer something a bit… hmm…. Industrial?
Or something completely bizzare.
If you have any particular ideas on how your ideal rooms would look like, please comment below and we might as well post it up in one of our future posts. Until then, text you soon!