Things To Do Before Renting a Room

January 4, 2017 Blog Post

Every game has its own rules. If you don’t know the rules or you don’t follow them, you’re on a good road to fail miserably. As with any other games, the rental system has its own rules as well. Here is what you need to pay attention to in case you want to avoid the potential personal or legal issues after renting the place of your own. Some of our  previous articles can help but if you don’t have the following 5 points covered, nothing will be of much help once the damage is done.

  1. Research the location where you plan to rent!

It would be silly to expect that people don’t do it, but trust us, some people still don’t research the location properly, and then they end up disappointed with their rooms or apartments which soon make them look for a new one. Location is actually one of the easiest things to research. Simply go to your google maps or any other application that you use for getting around and put in the address or area of the property you want to check out, for example Subang. As soon as your search engine recognizes the location, take a close look what is around it. Look around in a perimeter that is the walking distance you are okay with. Pay attention to the nearby places, convenient stores, malls, restaurants, cafes, gyms, barber shops, etc. If you don’t have your private transportation, make sure there is a public one nearby.

  1. Put it black on white

Whenever you as a tenant hear a promise from your landlord, you have to make sure it is not just an empty one by putting it on paper. Written agreements are a clear proof or whatever the agreement is about and they can be used as a valid proof in the court if any kind of dispute happens. Verbal agreements are much harder to prove plus people tend to forget their promises, so putting it on paper would spare all the trouble both you and your landlord.

  1. Read the contract

Before the signage of any contract please make sure you carefully read the document you are about to sign. So many times we automatically sign documents without even reading them not even thinking that we might have just voluntarily donated our kidney to someone without even knowing. Okay, okay, maybe this example is a bit too extreme but we believe you get the point. If you want to avoid all the inconveniences later on, you better make sure that you are familiar with all the details from the agreement, from the financial details, payment methods, terms, rules, services and whatever else that has been put down.

  1. Know your rights

This applies to the rights you have as a tenant. Make sure you get some free legal advice online or just research which rights do you have; what you can and can’t do, etc. This way you will be ready and prepared for all the dirty tricks people might try to impose on you. Once you know your rights it would be much harder to fool you as a tenant in pretty much any ways. Here is one of the websites you can use as a starting point.

  1. Communicate

Communication is very important element in many aspects of one’s life. This goes for the tenancy-landlord relationship as well. It is advisable to be opened and transparent to the landlord so that you can together figure out the solution to any problems you two might face regarding the potential agreement and such. Once people dare to share about each others’ concerns it is much easier to come up with the solution of that same problem. On the other hand if everybody kept their problems to themselves it would just delay even bigger issues from happening. So just talk, get to know each other better and figure your potential problems out.

Some of these points might seem a bit too obvious, but once people find themselves in the situation where they are looking for a place of their own, they tend to oversee certain details which they, normally wouldn’t and happens quite often. This is why is here to help you, so do not hesitate to contact us if you have any particular issues that you might face. We’ll do our best to help you the best way we can or redirect you to the proper channels.

Until the next post!