Covid-19 death rate based on age and existing conditions.

March 2, 2020

Records are extracted on 11 Feb 2020, COVID-19 records in the Infectious Disease Information System. Based on a total of 72,314 on record with 44,672 confirmed cases.

COVID-19 Confirmed Cases Based On Age

94.7% of confirmed cases came from age between 20 to 79. The highest confirmed cases of Covid-19 is age between 50 to 59. Age groups of 40 to 49 and 60 to 69 have roughly the same of 19.2%.

COVID-19 Case Fatality Based on Age

From the analysis, age above 80 has the highest case fatality rate of 14.8%, highest among other age groups. Fatality rate increases by age.

COVID-19 case fatality rate based on existing conditions

Fatality rate varied according to existing conditions. Cardiovascular disease has the highest case fatality rate of 10.5%. Case fatality rate categorized as critical stands at 49%.

COVID-19 case severity

80.9% of confirmed cases recorded mild, while 4.7% of cases are in critical state.