Single room for rent at Jalan Kapor (3km from Sarawak general hospital)
Roomz listings are created by individual users. When negotiating rental contract, be sure to verify property ownership and speak directly with the landlord.
Located less than 3km away from Sarawak General hospital and Poliklinik Batu kawah- this is place offers an excellent location for KKM staffs (doctors, nurses, MAs, dental officers etc).
This upstairs single room is furnished as per photo (1 queen size bed and mattress, 1 wardrobe, study table, dressing table and standing fan).
The property is a 4-bedroom double storey semi-detached house (3 rooms upstairs and 1 large room downstairs) with 2 shared bathrooms and toilets, 1 shared living room, kitchen, fridge and washing machine.
The property is only shared among 4 tenants (1 tenant per room) at any given time.
Shared electricity and water bills.
No pets allowed.
Male tenant preferred.
Available NOW- Please Whatsapp owner (Mir) at +610490818572 or agent (Zeze) at +60163911098
- Sarawak > Kuching > Jalan Kapor 205 Taman Wee and Wee, Kuching Sarawak
- studio house
- Only Male
- Prefer Male
Room photos
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